Foundation Training
Who is this for?
The foundation training is aimed at practicing therapists who have completed a degree or a corresponding psychotherapy training, in particular psychologists, dream therapists, cranio-sacral therapists, body therapists and body psychotherapists, but also to practitioners of other healing professions such as naturopaths, osteopaths, etc.
Development of Character Structuers
The focus is on the development of character structures by addressing specific needs and challenges in individual phases of development of all human beings (existence, autonomy, etc.). Here, Bodynamic has developed a unique differentiated model of character structures through a 25-years of empirical study. It describes the child development in 7 phases from the 2nd trimester in utero to the 13th year of life.
Role of Developmental Trauma
Development trauma plays a decisive role in the development and creation of these structures. The term was introduced and used by Lisbeth Marcher even before it became popular by Bessel van der Kolk, one of the leading American psychiatrists in the field of trauma and its effects.
Loss of Self
Developmental trauma emerges when a child experiences massive and persistent rejection, neglect, etc. through the parents, in the context of the central needs of a development phase. This means that the child may not develop central aspects of his or her own self or may end up abandoning them altogether.
Body Ego
The child experiences in its early childhood in relationship to its external world above, all about his body (bodyego) and its movement. In addition to physical milestones such as crawling, sitting, standing and walking, the child must learn a variety of movement patterns.
Character types and positions
In this training you will learn how the child moves through individual phases by developing motor skills and the voluntary use of muscles and muscle tone reacts to specific external developmental challenges. Correspondingly, body and character structures are formed that are divided into either a more hypotonic (early) or a hypertonic (late) type, each requiring a different therapeutic approach.
These create a characteristic body posture and a corresponding expression, mimicry, etc. As part of the training curriculum we explore the ability to recognize and “read” these embodied character structures. This allows you to step into the age-specific “resonance” of your client and to integrate these respective resources optimally into the healing process.
In addition, this training provides you with a variety of specific body exercises and techniques, as well as the knowledge, more precisely, more effectively and efficiently, with the traumatization of your clients.