Individuation, Mutual Connection, and the Body’s Resources

Because of new research into child development, the developmental perspective has captured the attention of the therapeutic community for the last fifteen years, and it is transforming the way therapy is being carried out. Most schools of body psychotherapy have also been deeply impacted by this shift, but most have had to rely on theories that address primarily psychological development to inform their work. In this interview, I discuss the formation of a truly somatically based theory of human development with its founder, Lisbeth Marcher.

2017-11-13T21:40:02+00:00November 13th, 2017|General Psychology|

Energy Concepts and Body Psychotherapy

When we work with clients or train therapists one of the models we use is - a "Model of energy fields", developed by Lisbeth Marcher. This energy model is especially inspired by Danish spiritual teacher Jes Bertelsen and Lisbeth’s studies of intercultural issues. We use this model to find out how an issue that we are working with interrelates in the greater picture. It is important for us to know which other fields the issue has to be integrated with.

2017-11-02T19:51:14+00:00October 28th, 2017|General Psychology|
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