Bodymap Testing & Interpretation
for Practitioner students


Interpretation of the Bodymap as starting point for preparation of a therapy process
(test reading, prognosis and treatment plan).

The work with test reading, prognosis, and treatment plan builds on:

  1. an interview with the client,
  2. a Bodymap, and
  3. on the therapist’s impression of the client and the contact they have during the interview and during the body mapping.

The interpretation of the Bodymap consists of a systematic evaluation of the personality and ego-functions of the client, a prognosis based upon these, and an articulated treatment plan. The interpretation is based on a systematic analysis of the client’s patterns of muscle responses based on Bodynamic Analytic theory, and supplemented by the therapist’s accumulated experience and intuition concerning the test, the client, and contact with the client.

I: Test Reading

The result of a test reading is a description of the client with his present difficulties and his resources. We also have a description of the reasons for these, based on an interview, the Bodymap, and an experience of contact with the client.

It is important to evaluate and be clear about the following points:

1. The ego structure of the client

1.1 Suppressed and push (dominated by hyper-responsive defenses)
1.2 Balanced (light/medium balance between hyper/hypo defenses)
1.3 Resigned and withdrawn (dominated by hypo-responsive defenses)
1.4 Existence structure (Is it a Mental or Emotional existence structure)
1.5 Developmental trauma signs (Look for high symmetry percentage of one specific color in the ego-functions)
1.6 Closed coding’s (Dark, strongly polarized patterns of hyper/hypo defenses)
1.7 Shock dominated signs (big difference between muscle and fascia and “crispy” muscle responses – changes response when activated, collapses from A2 to B2)
1.8 Complex PTSD sees as a mix of developmental trauma signs and shock dominated signs in the ego function.

You make an evaluation of this based on the balance of hyper-responsive, hypo-responsive, and neutral muscle responses, compared with a series of specific signs

2. The background, education and present life situation of the client.

2.1 Background of class (sociological), culture and life style
2.2 Present class (sociological) and life style seen in relation to the culture and life style of partner and friends
2.3 Present situation of work, residence, and family
2.4 Friends, both close and more distant (social network)
2.5 Resources – especially unconscious resources (so called “white holes”)

The present situation of life and background indicate important lines of directions for a psychotherapy process. These conditions show the resources and difficulties from which the client must develop.

3. Specific conditions and difficulties

3.1 Drug abuse, Alcohol abuse and Hash abuse – especially as a teenager
3.2 Use of neuroleptics – and other forms of medication, that affect the body and the mind
3.3 Physical and especially psychiatric diseases. Physically we think of asthma, neurological diseases, allergies, etc. Psychiatrically, of psychosis (schizophrenia, manic-depressive, psychosis, paranoia), borderline psychotic states, phobias and intense neurotic signs and character deviations/psychopathy.
3.4 Significant shock and traumatic experiences i.e. abuse (physical/ sexual), early hospitalization, sudden loss of an intimate person, traffic accidents
3.5 Repeated abuse, incest, repeated physical abuse during upbringing, torture etc.
3.6 imbalance after other treatments or spiritual experiences
3.7 Incomprehensible or unresolved extrasensory experiences

Our evaluation of the above is based both on the Bodymap and on knowledge from the interview and from the evaluation of the contact with the client

II: Personality description based on the Bodymap

A personality description based on a Bodymap is based on a series of different, partly overlapping, analyses. These analyses have 3 categories.

    1. A general evaluation of the client and the most beneficial psychotherapeutic treatment form: From the balance between hyper-, hypo-, and neutral muscle responses in the Bodymap you can estimate the major personality structure of the client and the directions for the most appropriate psychotherapy.
    2. An evaluation of the present level of function of the client (in Bodynamic Analysis this means an assessment of different ego functions) Based on this mapping we are now able to give a precise description of the client’s resources and restraints in connection to a long series of intrapsychic personality functions, and in connection to a series of interaction skills in relation to other people.
    3. An estimation of the development of the personality of the client (in Bo dynamic Analysis this implies an assessment of the Character structure of the client)Character formation of healthy, stiff, or undeveloped patterns of experience and behavior characteristic of a series of different age levels.


The analysis of the Ego-functions and the analysis of the client’s character structures are overlapping analyzes with different focus, while at the same time as the analysis of the client’s ego-functions, attention is paid to how these are influenced by the personality development (character structures), as is also observed in the assessment of the client’s personality development, which ego-functions are affected by development and traumatization at various stages of development. Both are linked to the client’s life story from the interview.

Suggestions how to understand basic Bodymap answers:

Since it is interpretations we are working with, it is not possible to be exact. There is no key answer. But, it gives a grip of the person’s abilities and personality, and at least to know where there are some problems to be careful about.

When you read the Basic Bodymap think about if this is a person who needs female or male support. (meaning a lot of support or a supportive confrontation). If the Bodymap are bluer or have blue areas, these themes (ego-functions/ character structures) need female support and the more red areas needs more male confrontive support.

A. In the first overview of the Bodymap look for:

  1. Is it primarily a red or a blue test, light or dark, difference between front and back. In general, a Bodymap dominated by hyper-responsiveness (a “red” test) indicates a client whose primary mechanism of defense is holding back. A Bodymap dominated by hypo-responsiveness (a “blue” test) indicates a client who primarily uses resignation as a mechanism of defense.
  2. Does it have horizontal splits – when there are more red at one part of a joint and more blue at the other part (ex. red head, blue neck, red back, blue legs, red feet) and there are some 2’s and 3’s on one part/ or both parts of the joint – we talk about Horizontal splits. It also could indicate trauma.

  3. If there are almost the same test answers in a sub-function (one sided and both sides) it indicates that the whole sub-function tends to hesitate (B1) or hold back (A1). (Ex. all answers in vastus intermedius B1 one sided or both sides). That could be called an Ego Function answer. If the answers are different (ex. A/ B) – go and interpret out of the Character Structure.

  4. Symmetry in a Bodymap is when the responses of the muscles in the left and right sides are identical or same color code (A1/A2 – B1/B2). If one side are outside the conscious level (3’s), the interpretation changes into developmental/ shock trauma understanding.Asymmetry occurs when one side is green/blue and the other red no matter the level. Different degrees of symmetry and asymmetry can exist in a Bodymap. In the areas with symmetry at same side or between the left and right sides, the client is likely to be less aware of problems. In the areas with asymmetry in the same side or between the left and right sides, the client is more aware of the inner conflict and it’s easier to access.
  5. Looking at Erector Spinae and Serratus Anterior we can access the level of keeping posture and reflect at the early aspects of reaching out for contact. A hypo-response in these muscles reflects problems concerning posture, connectedness and contact at a very deep level (bonding) and overwhelmed by emotions and sensations, or loss of energy and power to act. If there are at least two of the test places are B2, we regard the person as vulnerable to psychosis. Our experience has made us aware of than less than A2 in almost all the answers in Erector Spinae is crucial for the way a person stand and keeps up in life.


B. Insert the answers in the Bodymap program to get the different Ego-Functions and Character Structures.

C. Basic understanding of the answers:


N: neutral. In general, indicates there are no coding, no memory, maybe involuntary,not activated. React to a meeting without any reservation. No story or memory in theirbehavior pattern. Can seem naive, a little off. Can also react adequate

B1/A1: often conscious or easy to make conscious, fairly flexible patterns in directions of resignation – withdraw/suppressed – pushing.

B2/A2: patterns that normally are pre-conscious, they are more rigid patterns of resignation – withdrawal/ suppressed – pushing. It is possible to make these patterns more conscious. If you help a person to see he did so and so, he will not remember at first, but then slowly it comes back. In this way, the patterns are pre-conscious. In specific muscles we like to see A2 responses in example m. erector spinae, m. latissimus dorsi, the hamstrings and tensor fascia lata, as it gives more power to stand or to move or to contain oneself in life even if it means it is from a more fighting position.

B3/A3: Unconscious patterns of resignation-/restriction, that are often difficult to make conscious.

B4/A4: Deeply unconscious patterns – if there is any consciousness about them at all, they are experienced as unchanging, “that’s the way I am”, with no felt possibility for changes.

B3/A3 and B4/A4 patterns often come to awareness, when others comment on them. They are seldom conscious from one’s own observing ego.

If there is one muscle that in one side is A3 or B3 and in the other side is an Al or Bl then it is a sign of shock.

D. Looking at Ego Functions:

  1. The evaluation of the ego functions of the client primarily comes from an evaluation of the balance in the Bodymap (between hyper- and hypo-responses; between different degrees of responses; between different sides and parts of the body) and the following signs.
  2. By interpreting the Bodymap, you can give a description of the resources and difficulties of the person and a possible description of how the client function’s at the present time.
  3. And then you can differentiate the specific muscles that belong to each main category. They are affected in specific age levels (or character structures) and based on the Bodynamic theory you can then:
    – first of all, give an interpretation as to which part of the development of an ego function has been insufficient, stopped, or completed. This can give your ideas concerning the age-level you have to go back to in therapy in order to further develop the ego functions,
    -secondly (from the typical defense connected to age/character structure) you can get information about how to work,
    -thirdly, you can get ideas about how to start work with the problems using the body.

E. Looking at Character Structures:

1: In a Bodymap with 125 different muscle numbers with many more test places per side – early most answers are blue, late the answers are more red. If a mix of B1, N, A1 maybe the client has a balanced position.

2: If deeper answers, but same color think more rigid (A2) or given up (B2) in the positions.

3: If there in a Character Structure are mostly A1/ B1 and a single A2/ B2 the client is having a bigger problem with the theme the muscle represents in the Ego-function. Ex. All in Autonomy are A1 but m. piriformis is B2 in both sides, it tells that the majority refers to the late Autonomy and that centering is given up.

4: If 3´answers – think Shock trauma. If 2’ answers in both sides – think developmental trauma.

The next section gives ideas of how to read the Bodymap for each of the 42 most important muscles in the Full Bodymap; this also referred to as the Basic Bodymap.

The rest of the muscles are to be read about in the Body Encyclopedia for their psychological functions with references to Character Structure/Ego Functions and put together with the Life story, and wishes from the client in what they would like to work with in order to do a Full Bodymap analysis.

The following gives you some ideas of how to look at different muscles in the Bodymap. 

Illustrations made by Lene Wisbom© 

The upper part of the body:  

Erector Spinae (1a) and Serratus Anterior (8) muscles are very important in the Basic Bodymap because these two muscles together can tell you if a client have a risk to be psychotic. So the Erector Spinae is telling you how the client is positioning herself in life and that is the reason that we want it to be an A-muscle and at least a half degree more than the ‘whole picture’. If there is B1 and especially B2 in the spine your warning bell has to ring.  

Erector Spinae (1a) (the red in drawing) is a Need muscle and is represented in Positioning and Reality Testing and is the extensor of the back and with the deep muscles in front of the neck (Longus Capitis (110)) are responsible for “keeping us upright”. Literally if the muscles did not exist, we would not be able to keep the back vertical. To be able to carry one self, to keep yourself upright physically this is a condition for relating to life.

Is integrated already within the small need-child who exercises the strength of the muscles in the back, when he is lying on the stomach and lifting the head and looking around and later on creeping and crawling around. 

Serratus Anterior (8) has a superior part – Existence, middle part – Need and an inferior part – Autonomy and is represented in Connectedness and Interpersonal Skills. They are breathing muscles wrapping the breast region and are in some way embracing the chest as a flexible wall of muscles around region and are participating in creating space (volume) and in filling up when breathing.  

Sensing of the breath and the heart is interconnected. Controlling the breath means closing the space around the heart, and if we have given up in the breathing muscles the space around the heart becomes too slack, lacking the ability to hold and contain heart energy.

Heart contact is not something we learn only in one developmental phase. Each time we are working with a new developmental topic the challenge is to get this topic to connect with the heart contact, with oneself as well as with other beings. 

The muscle has to do with how the client takes in contact and sense it as life in the body/inside her-/himself.

If very blue or very red you have to know that the contact is not getting into the body-ego and you have to do a lot to ensure that the client understand you, hear you – and keep your boundary and the center. Are they blue you especially have to be careful when you give ideas and examples that the client does not take it as it has to be like that. You could also say take care that the client does not unconsciously please you.  

Serratus Posterior Inferior (10) has a superior part – Opinion and an inferior part – Solidarity/ Performance and is represented in ConnectednessTells in which way you are able to develop close friends/bodies. It is getting friends from the role ego through the individual to the body ego.

Longus capitis, (110) (the yellow in the drawing) belongs in Existence and is the deep muscle of the neck makes the back of your neck long, so it participates in actually keeping the head balancing on the top of the neck part of the spine and are represented in Positioning, Grounding and Reality Testing, Cognitive skills and Energy Management – in existence. 

The muscle is used the first time during the birth through the reflex of stretch that keeps the neck straight to make the push go all the way through to the crown. Problems with longus capitis creates a split between head and body (existence-structure). 

Are these red then the client is primarily Emotional, are they blue then the client is primarily Mental. Blue means that the client has given up “the body” and instead tend to hold on to her/his mind/the mental, or if they are red it means that the client is holding on to the emotions and the body, but under pressure the client lose reasonable thinking because Amygdala is overloaded. 

Semispinalis Capitis (98) is in Need and are represented in Positioning and Cognitive skills. Has to do with holding the head in a position to orient and to keep the connection between sensations and cognitive skills, and it is also the contact between head and body. How the client senses the body and keeps the thought possibilities.

Suboccipitalis (100), medial part is in Perinatal and are represented in Cognitive skills.  Tells about early orienting and the capacity to orient yourself in stress situations and orienting experience into reality and knowledge. 

Galea aponeurotica/ The Princess crown (101a) is in Existence and represented in Reality Testing and Self Assertion is telling about your power to contain a stress-situation, ground your spiritual power and own your psychical and visionary power.

Aponeurotica (emperors crown) (101c) and Occipitalis (102)belongs in SolidarityPerformance (superior) and Vilje (inferior) and is represented in Cognitive Skills  (planning) and Self Assertion and tells about the ability to be with your power in crisis situations. It is activated in the first crisis situation – the birth –  and later affected in stress related situations (but not as Diaphragm).The upper part is long-term planning (Solidarity/ Performance), the lower part is short term planning (Will structure).  

Sternocleidomastoideus (106a) superior belongs in Love/ Sexuality and inferior in Opinion and are represented in orienting in Positioning, Cognitive Skills, Energy Management in containment of high level energies and superior part in Gender Skills. It is a big powerful neck muscle which is located on the surface of the side of the neck, running from the edge of the scalp just behind the ear and ending up at the sternum and the clavicle. This muscle contributes with more power and stability to the act of carrying and turning the head.

The upper part of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is integrated in the age dealing with the capacity to own the feeling of love in the heart and in sexuality. At the same time making movements and orienting oneself in relation to the surroundings. (Love/Sexuality). You often see a tilted head to the one side in early position and when both are hyper tensed a more stiff focused neck – late position. 

The lower inferior part – Opinion – has to do with positioning, orienting and containing opinions and when red it tells of a stiffness in being flexible around stating opinions, listening to others opinions and merge different opinions together. If blue the right to state opinion is given up.

Trapezius (2) and Latissimus Dorsi (9) are important motor function as supporting muscles in relation to the muscles on the front side. It is the superficial muscles of the back, that makes it possible to carry the front side in balance, and also which add power and support to every larger movement of the arms and are represented in Connectedness, Management of energy and Trapezius inferior part also in Gender Skills. To receive support is not the same as being carried. To receive support requires that you are carrying yourself and receiving the contact supporting you in this at the same time. 

Trapezius medialis (2b) is activated in Need, but the first sensation of support can happen as a fetus (touching the wall Uterus) and as a baby on the stomach lifting itself up. This dynamic of allowing outer support to cooperate with inner muscular support is possible for all the muscles.

Trapezius superior (2a) is activated in Autonomy used to go forwards with shoulders in the crawling position, and with this movement supporting the forward directed energy.

When the toddler stands, this muscle helps to support the arms. When lifted away from the body potentially very active, following a stream of outgoing impulses and often not able to manage stopping herself.  

Hands placed on the shoulders, specifically on the top part of Trapezius, can give support in falling, landing, and helping the toddler find his own sensation of legs and feet again, if he has been “flying” too high, or fast. 

Trapezius inferior (2c) is activated in Love/ Sexuality and pulls the shoulder blades downwards and a little together and a sort of support influences the way you carry the upper part of the body and the way you walk and increases the possibility for keeping the neck straight and proud. 

The upper (Will) and lower (Opinion and Solidarity/ Performance) part of Latissimus Dorsi is activated when using arms as support for the lower back and gives support to the use of full power and precise measurement of the amount of power. 

How can the client receive support? If the muscles are red it tells you have resistance against support, meaning that therapy needs another starting point. If the muscles are primarily blue, the client has given up getting support or even don’t know what support is about.

If both muscles are red, then do not give support in the beginning, but let the client experience that she/he needs it and that it is possibly to benefit from getting it. Are both muscles blue, then give support in the beginning and sometimes also talk about what support is and give examples from children or animals.

If the muscles are mixed Al/B1 then therapy is easier because the client already has an inner feeling of how it is to get support to change what is difficult. And the therapist can give support to work with specific problems. It takes longer time to work with A2/B2’s and of course also 3’s and 4’s.  

Levator Scapula (96) is in Will and are represented in Energy Management and Interpersonal Skills in the sub function Taking on chores, assignments. The muscle is lifting the shoulder blades and can hold strong emotions until they can be directed to more convenient expressions (energy management). It expands the lungs, expands the physical space in the chest and together with Diaphragm helps the child to have full capacity of the lungs; in this way it helps the child to express emotions with power.

The sub function in Interpersonal Skills is Taking on chores. It is an act you can do voluntarily and originating from an impulse or desire from within. Often the possibility of acting is related to the concept of duty and may be associated as a contrast to the impulse of desire. But fundamentally we have got the possibility of taking on tasks as a free choice and as originating from our own ideas and impulses.

This is an important Will muscle – it tells about early or late will, a lot about how the person is able to choose and see/ estimate consequences.  

If both sides are blue, the person are carrying the world on the shoulders and can keep on doing it. At the same time, they complain about how everybody is making them doing it. At the same time, they hold back on their power in emotions because the think/ experience that others cannot cope with them if they express their power and emotions. 

If both are red the energy will be restrained both in the breathing and in stiff lifted shoulders. They can keep on going with the attitude of “I can take care of it myself – don’t tell me what to do” 

Both positions have to learn how to choose by sensing inside what feels good to do and asses the consequences of the choice they make. 

Diaphragm (57) is in Will and are represented in Energy Management and allows more of the chest to be filled when breathing, which results in a full belly breathing. This important change happens at the age of 2-3 years. The diaphragm is a strong and big muscle. It adds far more strength to the respiration and gives a lot more oxygen to the body when using force/ working hard. It involves the possibility to make a noise stronger in connection with emotional expressions, or in connection with ‘yes’ and ‘no’ expressions – but the muscle also gives the opportunity to hold your breath. 

It is at this age where children begin to hold on to their emotions by hiding them inside themselves, e.g. by being sour and sulky, with the powerful (heavy) internal energy management this implies – and it is also at this age where they manifest themselves with respect to what they want and what they do not want expressed by a clear emotional strength (Will). 

The energy coping takes place in cooperation between the respiratory function and the muscular space primarily formed by the muscles in the body part, and also is supported by the muscles around the knees and the inside and outside of the thighs. The more awareness in the muscular space, the higher the energy level becomes, which an individual can contain and still be present and aware simultaneously– a skill which is decisive for coping with stress and maintaining emotional contact.

The course of an emotional reaction can be healthy and include different types of balances between containment and expression: You may feel anger without telling other people about it or react differently but nevertheless contain the wave of anger which comes and goes – or the anger can be given an expression as part of emotional coping. It is this combination of containment and expression in which the muscles in this subdivision are active. 

Slackness or giving -up (hypo-responsive) in the muscles which form the container often leads to a reduced ability to cope with high intensity, in both the emotions and in the energy. The energy or emotion “leaks out” of the container right where it is weak so that you either loose it or cannot hold on to it.  

The more awareness in the respiratory muscles – the more able one is to nourish liveliness through breathing with respect to both energy and emotions. If the respiratory muscles are controlled and tense (hyper-responsive) – emotions and their expression are held back and the energy management is kept static- the energy is held in without flow. Owning your power and getting possibility to give the voice full value expressing all your emotions in a loud powerful way.
Take in life, air, totally in and then distributing it to “what you do” -not for other people’s sake, but with and for the sake of your own life energy, for yourself. Then power does not become power over others, not powerlessness or superiority, but power to manage/cope with your own power and contain it.  

Transversus abdominis (51c), Love/ Sexuality, the horizontal stomach muscle that covers from pubic bone to hip and all the way up to the costal curve and creates the cavity for containing emotions. Represented in Management of Energy and Gender skills. Remember that hypertone answer here relates to early position. In Management of Energy the fascia (thoracolumbar) from the muscle develop the roof of the center (the nerve plexus) and has to do with containing high level of energy.   

The muscle is an important muscle in creating sensation of the center and contain emotions concerning alliances. In Gender skills it creates a cavity for containing the sense of sexuality and it separates the cavities between the hearth and the gender energies so it is not possible to get the sexual energy together with the hearth feeling. 

Deltoids (65) anterior part – Need(orange) and (84) middle Autonomy (yellow) and posterior part Will (green) and are represented in Boundaries and Interpersonal SkillsThe muscles form the roundness of the shoulder and all of them takes part in the movement of lifting the arm away from the body – forwards, to the side, backwards. All of these movements can participate in making room in contact – to fill out the energetic room in movement – to create and make space for yourself.

The frontal part has to do with how you take space for yourself and at the same time reach out for contact.  The middle part has more to do with how you own your own personal space.  And the back part has to do with how you keep your space when you take on tasks.  Again red muscles are holding back, and blue are giving up.

Brachialis (68) and Triceps Medial (85c)They are both Will and are represented in Interpersonal Skills. Brachialis is a broad and powerful muscle that can hold in a certain distance and toward to oneself, a movement used for lifting and carrying heavy objects. It is keeping people in, keeping contacts (keeping = not let go) where contacts can be people, material things, ideas or experiences. Medial Triceps has to do with ability to keep the distance to people. It does not mean you say ‘no’ you can back out and in that way keep a ‘no’. How you say no has to do with the other part of the triceps. The balance between these 2 muscles are essential in how we with our will keep a balanced contact.  

Pronator Teres (70)(yellow) and Supinator (91) (arrow) are both Autonomy and are represented in Interpersonal SkillsThe 2 muscles are turning the forearm its own axis, so that the palm can be turned either downwards or upwards. The child is curios, lots of impulses to explore the world, discover new phenomena and be in interaction around the impulses is of growing importance. The child grasps and let’s go of objects, wanting the object once more to let it go repeatedly and so on.

An activity repeated in this age is giving things away – and getting them back. Can the client accept/take in to himself, receive (supinator) and expect that he will get something -and let go, give away, both contacts and things (anything, newspapers, rubber bands, empty out).  

Subclavius (64) and supraspinatus (95) are Will and Autonomy and are represented in Reality Testing in the sub function around Experience and grounding of extra sensory perception. Reality testing contains the ability to sense the world as it is – in our understanding being able to at the same time sense and relate to the concrete sensuous physical part of reality – and the energetic extrasensory physically invisible part. Reality is not either /or but is including both levels of reality. 

Subclavius (yellow) together with Supraspinatus have to do with extrasensory experiences -Subclavius we often call it the flying muscle because it has to do with ‘out-of-body experience’.

Supraspinatus (blue) has to do with all kinds of extrasensory experiences, i.e. something you “hear, see, get insights about, get knowledge about”, things that are not really there in the materialistic world. Precognitions and long distance connection has often to do with both these muscles.  

Get it grounded, get it down to earth and make it into normality instead of something special. Let them sense the difference inside their body when they get information from materialistic world or from extrasensory experience. 

Pectoralis Minor (63) (pink one at last drawing) is in Autonomy and are represented in Centering and Self-Assertion is the smallest of the breast-muscles placed deep in the breast and the muscle draws the shoulders down.  

Content is self-worth (not self-consciousness). “I am worth it” for who I am, not for what I do (which is need and autonomy!). If the client does not have this self-worth formed in Autonomy, before she moves into Will structure -the Will and action take over and then she only thinks you are something because of your Will.  

The lower part of the body:  

Iliacus (51a) (pink)has an inferior part (not tested) – Existenceand a superior part – Love/ Sexuality and are represented in Connectedness, Centering and the superior part also Gender Skills. 

Iliacus indicates the balance between the romantic and seductive positions. We only test the early part {the front part) of iliacus. Is it red/ Al it means holding back the sexuality and is it blue you are giving up sensing the sexual energy.

Psoas Major (55) (blue) is in Autonomy and are represented in Connectedness in Bonding and Centering in Awareness of own center. It flexes the leg in the hip joint and assist in inward and outward rotation of hip joint and flexes the lower back (fixates lower back in a lot of movements) and in that way it go into voluntary choosing direction. 

Psoas shows the depth in the contact. It is connected into the center and of that reason it is also telling about the balance between sensing your center and keeping deep contact. If trouble giving deep contact from this place and taking in the deep contact look for jealousy issues.

Quadratus Lumborum (11) is in Autonomy and are represented in Social Balance and shows the client’s ability to keeping the balance between yourself and contact. That means being able to mirror and still be be in your own center and to have deep contact and still keeping your sensing of your own center. 

Look at quadratus in relation to Iliacus and psoas. Very red means mostly late position where the client tries to keep Dignity and gives up on others, with blue mm you act from the mirroring and let go of your own Dignity.  

Piriformis (17) (blue) is in Autonomy and are represented in Centering and Gender Skills and Gemelli (18) (pink) is in Need and are represented in Centering, Energy Management and Gender Skills. 

Sensing the pelvic floor and the little rotators are of central importance for sensing the centering. If the pelvic floor is too loose, “the bottom will fall out of you”. An expression used in situations of shock. In relation to centering it means that keeping the energy in the core becomes difficult, it makes you feel like it is running out when the pelvic floor is not forming a bottom underneath.  

On the contrary, if the pelvic floor is too tense, the sensation is created of the core not resting calmly, and that it will be pushed upwards or closed from beneath. So, attention to the pelvic floor and the small rotators, as well as the exercise in finding a suitable degree of tension in these muscles, are important tools in working with centering.

Gluteus Maximus (14) has a superior part – Opinion and an inferior part – Solidarity/ Performance and are represented in Centering, Interpersonal Skills and Gender Skills. 

The big seat-muscles which produce strength and abundance in the movements of the hip joint and the deeper smaller ones help the client to develop a deep sense of contact with her-/himself. To have a “bottom” in her/his own personality and pull yourself together and do what you must do right now – even there are other things you would rather do – because you can see the long-term consequences 

Quadriceps femoris, Rectus Femoris (43a)(Dark blue – on top of yellow)Vastus Intermedius (43c)( Yellow) and Medialis (43d)(purple). 
The big muscle in front of the thigh – stretches out the knee – (one of the muscle parts participates furthermore in bending the hip joint). This movement is involved in all expressions of muscle power by the legs – running, jumping, leaping – and psychological speaking in all actions concerning deciding and regulating the distance between the legs – being able to walk, move oneself, kicking and pushing with the legs. the child also develops its ability to separate its energy sphere from other persons – a development leading to the possibility of changing from merging contact with others to bounded energetic contact – a contact form making clear that the child is in her own energy sphere and the other person in his. 

Intermedius and Medialis has to do with your Boundaries connected to your personal space (energetic boundary) and Rectus Femoris with boundaries of the social Space.

Medialis also in Social Balance (managing stress and resolving it) and Energy Management (Containment of Sensuality) and Gender Skills (Containment of Sensuality and sexuality).  

The most distal Intermedius part is Autonomy, medial part is Will, proximal part Need and Medialis Love/ Sexuality and Puberty. 

Both Intermedius and Medialis participates in extending the knee – but in a slightly different way. The part of the muscle most deeply placed – Vastus intermedius – gives more carrying capacity to the legs – and not that much expression in moving as in balancing and keeping the standing position when learning to stand and actively shift position. Medialis enables the child to start kicking with force with the inside of the food and stay balanced when landing from a jump. 

Medialis has to do with containing sexuality and when you make the analyses look at it together with Iliacus. Are both A-muscles there is a tendency that the client is in the late position and use his sexuality with consciousness and his sexuality is very heart. If it is very blue it is often connected into the early position and you don’t sense your own sensuality/sexuality so there is no boundary around it and you are more focused on love, and have the illusion of the one and only love that last forever.  

Rectus Femoris is the only muscle that includes two joints – its extending the knee and bending the hip and activating this muscle creates a precise control of the movements of the leg, when the knee is stretched out. This muscle is related to boundary of the social space – seen as the part of a person’s boundaries established through memberships of group communities. The upper first part is Love/ Sexuality, then Opinion, the 3. Part Solidarity/ Performance and last lowest part Puberty. From 3-5 years and on the child starts relating to bigger group systems- creating the possibility to make alliances (constructive or destructive). 

Tensor Fasciae Latae (22) (brown) –Tractus Ilio Tibialis (23) (Yellow) are containing energy initiating from different age levels starting from Need structure in Tensor Fascia Latae, Autonomy in the upper part of Ilio Tibialis and then down towards the knee you have Will, Love/Sex, Opinion, Sol/perf and the connection of the tendon is Puberty.

Tibialis Anterior (39) (green) has a superior part – Proximal part: profundus Autonomy, superficial Will and an inferior part – Opinion and is represented in Reality Testing and Cognitive Skills. The muscle group in the front side of the lower legs has an important cognitive function. We use these muscles to lift the toes and all of the foot sole from the ground. The cognitive parallel is to be able to lift yourself above the concrete level. Lacking this capacity, we cannot learn to think abstract. 

The relation to the foundation becomes vividly clear in a new way when we can change between sensing the foundation with our feet and lift ourselves away from the foundation. This lift is part of the first walking movements from the age of one year and on. Regarding the cognitive aspect, you are still closely related to concrete motor sensations. Your understanding of the cognitive connections stems from that level too.

Later the interest of how the object is made, how it is fixed to something and create imaginations about its backside and how it may be produced in a factory. I alternate between an abstract and concrete way of thinking. This movement is contributing with further power in controlling taking-off and landing, as described above.

Peroneus (42) (dark blue and pink) has to do with balance between your inner self and social contact in groups and also between you, the group and the individual people in the group. Longus has (family size) – Will and Brevis is the relation to bigger groups – Sol/ Perf Are represented in Social balance and Gender skills. 

Soleus (30) (yellow) has a medial part – Need and a lateral part – Autonomy and is represented in Positioning and part of the antigravity reflex. Soleus has to do with standing on your feet and positioning yourself (grounding) and keep your positioning. A-muscles are holding on -and B-muscles are giving up.

Aponeurosis Plantaris (dot) (33) is activated in Perinatal and is represented in Reality Testing, Cognitive Skills and Self-Assertion and makes it possible for the client to use her/his power to come through stress-situations -it helps her/him to ground her-/himself to use her/his power.  

Look also at the “top”/princess spot, because it is from birth you use your power from your center (sacrum) and let it get into the spirit at the same time you keep the grounding. Or you could say you ground your soul energy.  


Sartorius (44), Gracilis (49) & Popliteus (29) are shock-trauma muscles (make the knees go jelly).  

Sartorius (2 places) (green) helps you to take your legs from a tailor position out to a standing positon. In shock it often collapses what means that you lose your possibility to contain the high energy and keeping your balance.

Gracilis (pink) is also if it is very red or very blue a sign of shock because Gracilis helps to keep the balance around the knee.

Popliteus is also if it is very red or very blue a sign of shock because it does two things lock and unlock the knee. Blue means losing the grounding/giving up sensing, red means holding back with the will.