As humans, we are pack animals – we seek contact, and our quality of life depends on how good we are to socialize. Being liked by our friends, to belong in a company or family is not only nice but gives us a feeling of safety, because together we have survived. It lays deep in us. Shame and shyness are a point to regulate how we are together.
We are born with an inner sense of dignity and a drive towards mutual connection and is part of all later learnings that forms our personality and way of being. Those two basic drives work together all the time as a “tuning fork “:
- how much I protect/ stay in myself in connection – and as a result disconnect with the surroundings
- or leave sense of myself to stay connected – and as a result loose myself!
In the Bodynamic way we do not want to break the defense mechanisms nor to make it disappear. We aim is to honour the defense mechanism, and to create more, so a person has more options to choose from.
In the 2 days’ workshop we will deepen into the sense of dignity, connectedness and the way to stay with the shyness/ shame in all kinds of situations and how to balance it.
It will be a mix of theory, exercises, sharing and group work.
Place: Reykjavik, Þverholt 14, 3 .hæð Time: 10-16 Language: English
Price: 30.000 Ikr Early bird: 27.000 Ikr before September 10
Sign up to: Lilja Steingrimdottir – listeing@gmail.com
Referral to article: https://www.bodynamic.com/blog/it-takes-courage-to-stay-in-the-shy-moments/
Lene Wisbom is one of the senior teachers worldwide at all levels and Specialist Classes in Bodynamic International ApS. Is Bodynamic educational Therapist, Supervisor and can do Full Bodymaps. Publisher of Bodynamic Books, Member of the board and planning team in Bodynamic and coordinator of Danish training program.