Embodiment of Emotions
Edmonton, Canada
Feb 16 -18, 2024
Join our 3-day workshop exploring the world of seven primary emotions that drive us, humans, every day. Emotions can be described as the ways our bodies react to what’s happening around us in social situations and are expressed through movement.
In this Bodynamic inspired workshop, we’ll see how emotions quickly tell us when something’s changing, making us react before we even realize it. Emotions are like messengers, giving us important information that shapes our thoughts, actions, and who we are.

Studies show emotions have been with us since our ancient brain days, evolving from reptiles to mammals to the brains we have now. Suppressed emotions can lead to physical pain, anxiety, and even illnesses.
This workshop challenges the labeling of emotions as “good” or “bad,” aiming to embrace all emotions as essential experiences. Focusing on seven primary emotions – anger, fear, sadness, joy, disgust, bonding, and shame – participants explore distinctions from instinctive reactions.
Through simple exercises, you’ll get hands-on experience dealing with and understanding your emotions. You’ll learn to smoothly use emotions in your everyday life, both personally and in professional settings, boosting your emotional intelligence (EQ). Increased EQ significantly impacts the quality of one’s life and their life success.
Taking a quick trip through brain history, we’ll see how our thinking brain grew on top of our feeling brain. This shows how emotions come before decisions, playing a big role in our decision-making.
Rooted in Bodynamic principles, our workshop enhances personal EQ. Bodynamic, a body based psychology that merges body and mind, helps individuals with psychological and physiological concerns. Guided toward self-realization, it emphasizes harmony between personal dignity and societal bonds.
If you want to deepen emotional insight, understand your nature, or have questions about actions, decisions, emotions, or well-being, this 3-day workshop offers a holistic exploration. Dive into true happiness, embracing all emotions, and broadening responses to diverse scenarios. The skills you learn in this workshop can be used in your everyday life, whether with family and friends or in your profession helping others.

In this workshop, participants will learn to perceive and utilize emotions as a resource for relational balance, vitality, and meaning. They will distinguish between the physiological/biological basis of emotions and their cultural and personal interpretation, coding, and application. Through exercises, participants will learn to become aware of, manage, and express emotions constructively. The workshop will also cover understanding how boundaries, dignity, and mutual connections create a context for healthy emotional experiences. Participants will gain skills to recognize and modify emotional avoidance, support emotional well-being, and address a wide range of pathologies, whether for personal growth or in a therapeutic role.
Key Learnings:
Muscles mapped for their ability to help us contain and feel emotions and high levels of energy

Dates: 16-17-18 February, 2024
Venue: Integrity Seminars,14920 Stony Plain Rd, Edmonton, AB T5P 3X8
Class hours: 10AM – 6PM
Cost: $598.50 CAD (GST included) payments accepted via e-transfer; credit card fee additional 3%
Registration: Contact Arijana Lukic at

Wolfgang Brandt
About your Trainer:
Wolfgang first encountered spirituality, movement arts, and body psychotherapy during his initial career as a banker. These disciplines quickly became his primary interests, which he has pursued for the last 30 years. In 2000, he qualified as a natural health professional, obtaining a state license for psychotherapy (HPG). After a seven-year tenure at a clinic specializing in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, he established his private practice for body psychotherapy in Dresden, Germany. Additionally, he worked as a trainer in body-oriented psychotherapy. His expertise includes extensive experience in humanistic therapy and training in NLP, Qigong, Feldenkrais®, and Somatic Experiencing®. In 2012, he discovered Bodynamic, a methodology that enabled him to amalgamate his main interests in an unprecedented way. Since 2017, Wolfgang has been a certified Bodynamic therapist.