Between sea and sky
A spirituality Workshop with
Lisbeth Marcher
Between sea and sky it’s nothing or all things.
The approach is for people that have experience with personal development. Or for people that will start a spiritual practice and want look more focused around the connection between body and soul in that spiritual practice.
This workshop is about:
- How can you open up towards spirituality;
- How can you contain this form of energy in a way where you can use the spiritual being in your daily life towards yourself and together with others. With other words you could say: How can you be in mutual connection without losing your dignity.
- How can you fill up your body with your soul energy without losing your grounding, both inside yourself and when you are in a relationship with another, even in a collective field.
It is necessary to be aware about your body when you want to open the spiritual field, because the body is the anchor for the fast and powerful spiritual energy.
In the workshop we will also work with:
- How can you find expression and language that contain spiritual experience;
- What is needed to heal a split between the stopping of mutuality and dignity;
- What is needed in order to get integration of mutuality and dignity.
In the workshop, we will go through some theory about the 7 energetical fields that are around us. At the same time, there will be exercises to all the different fields and these exercises will be followed up in a way where you learn to cognitively express the experience. This will be done always in contact with one or more participants. We see that as an important part of the training, so you can get an experience to give out from your spiritual ego and to be able to take into your spiritual self.
About the trainer Lisbeth Marcher L.
Marcher is the founder of the Bodynamic System and of Bodynamic International in collaboration with various colleagues. She is the former director of the Bodynamic System, while now she is the international supervisor for all educational issues. Lisbeth Marcher is honorary member and a former president of EABP.
She has presented her work and taught in many countries and at many conferences, since the 1970′s. Her biggest contribution that she has made a big research, from where she got the knowledge how the muscles are connected to different psychological functions, and in what age level it is connected to. She is also the first one that talks about that muscles can be hyper of hypo responsive. She teaches in how to develop and use resources before you go deeper into issues. She never breaks the body’s armour, instead she helps the client to develop new resources and new behaviour, so they don’t need to use their defence system automatically, but still they still can use it on purpose if they want to. She teaches how your defence system is your friend, because only if we have defence system we are able to survive in a constructive way. In this way she developed our character structure system, where you get never get stuck in a box, but can develop yourself.
During the late 1980′s she was part of developing the Bodynamic approach to resolving shock-trauma – and also here developing new resources – which is now a separate training from the Foundation (20-24 days) and the Practitioner training.
She has published a lot, but more in Danish, she has finished a book The Body Encyclopaedia, and is working in writing about character structures, it goes slow, because she is fighting with the dyslexia, and writing in Danish.
Today Lisbeth is part of the Bodynamic international teaching team, and travels to Greece, Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark.
Margit Hansen (Co-Trainer)
Membership within the European Association of Body Psychotherapy EABP, the Danish Psychotherapy Association MPF and Bach Registered Practitioners BFRP and teacher in Dr. Edward Bach Foundation, GB.
Margit has participated the Bodynamic Institute since 1987 and work daily in private clinic in Copenhagen as Bodynamic educational Therapist and Supervisor. Especially educated in Chock &Trauma therapy and Re-birth. She work as supervisor in the Primary Healthcare System and has years of meditative practice.
She applies modalities of other complementary body treatment with focus on combining of Bach Flower remedies with the psychotherapeutic process. Margit`s background as a nurse has given her insights and experiences through 40 years within the Primary Healthcare System (specialist in eating disorders). Besides 30 years as active Reflexologist.
The focus has always been body – psyche – spirituality in the connection between individual and community.
Practical information
Lisbeth Marcher and Margit Johansen (Assistant)
5 days Training
Teaching Language:
Lisbeth and Margit will be teaching in the English language.
Dates: May 11 – 15, 2022
Price (21% taxes included)
- €750
- Sign up by sending email to:
How to pay:
- Payment to Stichting Bodynamic account number: NL55 INGB 0008 1733 17, Swift/Bic code: INGBNL2A, with your first and last name and state “Sea and Sky”
- Only when funds are received, is your place in the workshop reserved.
- The full amount will be refunded for cancellations within 30 days of the start of the workshop
Location address: Açores, Portugal
Veja Hotel Verde Mar & SPA
Option for accommodation in the Veja Hotel Verde Mar & SPA
date : check-in May 10th check-out May 16th
- Single – 85.00€ per night
- Double- 100,00€ per night
- Half Board (regardless of whether you are vegetarian or regular) – €33.00 per person with drinks included
- Full Board (regardless of whether you are vegetarian or regular) – €64.00 per person with drinks included
the email for booking is and the event ID is “bodynamic group”
We look forward to see you in the workshop