Shock Trauma Training 

Berkeley, California 2018-2020

Spots are available in 2nd half of training for those who have completed the first process part!


Based on a clearly bodily integrated perspective, this training is offered for professional therapists and therapists who will know and be able to do more about redemption of shock trauma and building new resources.


The continuing education in shock trauma therapy can be carried out separately from the other continuing education in the Bodynamic system – or may be part of a longer Bodynamic education.

The target audience is people who have to deal with shock and high stress in their profession – and thus need to learn to understand and master these states themselves.

The training conveys both a theoretical understanding of what Shock trauma is – as well as a precise bodily, emotional and cognitive exercises in being able to master the resources and patterns that are called in humans under the influence of shock.

Our approach is resource-oriented – we are approaching serious trauma with focus on the strong resources that are triggered in humans when we are threatened with our existence. We are looking to heal the shock trauma in a way that increases quality of life and access to deep resources. It is this attitude – and the associated methods that are conveyed in the training.

EDUCATION consists of 6 modules of 5 days each.

The teaching is divided into 6 modules, of which the first 3×5 days will concentrate on their own process and the last 3×5 days will cover the professional treatment work. It is our experience from previous teams that the students alone focus on professional treatment of shock, do not get the job done with their own shock trauma to a sufficient extent.


The education includes the dissemination of theories and knowledge as well as skills training.

The following topics will be presented:

  • Consciousness of resources in shock reactions, including the relationship between peak peaks (peak experiences) and shock experiences.
  • Training in approaching shock trauma resource-oriented.
  • Understanding what Shock trauma is and what separates them from (and overlaps with) characterological trauma -as well as theory of brain function.
  • The interaction between character expressions, the strength in the ego and shock reactions.*
  • Exercise in bodily coping strategies, body sensation and how to increase a person’s ability to respond appropriate in shock situations.
  • Phases in the processing of shock trauma and tools that can be used in different phases – from emergency aid to more long-term crisis aid, over work to increase resources, to relieve long-term PTSD reactions woven into character patterns.
  • Training in Bodynamic’s method of healing the core in a shock incl. work with flying reflexes, attack reflexes, tonic immobility, safe place, bodily locks, out of body and other dissociative conditions, as well as promote it parasympathetic condition.
  • Change of “decisions” taken in the traumatic state of consciousness, ie formation of “new decisions” as well “Reorientation” and including studying how to use the recycled life energy.
  • Focus on guilt and forgiveness, as well as rituals and spirituality associated with shock trauma.
  • The importance of culture for the development of mastering capacity in relation to stress and shock.
  • Transmission / counter-transfer in work with shock trauma – including what can be done with “secondary traumatization “,” stress traumatization “and identification with the trauma victim (” mirror “).
  • Resource-oriented pedagogy as part of the therapeutic method.
  • How PTSD symptoms appear, including somatic symptoms.
  • Different types of shock


We involve the body in very concrete physical ways in the work of shock trauma:

The client is trained to sense his body, perceive reflective movements and sense the muscles that are activated in the movements.

  • The client is trained in using this precise body sensation as a tool to accommodate high levels of stress without having to go into shock reactions or without activating old shock experiences.
  • During the work with the shock itself, we help the client to loosen the body lock that the shock trauma has left in the muscles and connective tissue. This is done with a special technique where physical resistance is used. The work is done in many stages as the client can accommodate the material that becomes available to the consciousness when the bodily locking is loosened.
  • We are working on reestablishing healthy survival reflexes – flight reflexes, fight reflexes and “goose dead” (tonic immobility).

We allow the client:

  • To mark and trigger the flight level through a race (on a mattress) to a safe place.
  • To notice and trigger the fight reflex through physical resistance work, where the client learns to handle the instinctive fury.
  • To feel and conscious of the bodily senses and consciousnesses present in the tonic immobility.

Through the work of healthy reflexes, the body’s basic ability to switch between readiness for activity and action (the sympathetic nervous system) is restored – and to be at rest (the parasympathetic nervous system). One of the symptoms of PTSD is that the balance between these 2 nervous systems does not work optimally or very badly, with serious physiological consequences for the person.

Our goal is never only to remedy the effects of a shock track, but at the same time to develop new cognitive and bodily resources and skills so that the client can remain focused in contact and able to act in situations with high intensity energy levels.

We achieve this, partly through concrete training in cognitive and physical skills, so that I’m expanding its capacity and reach, and partly by focusing on resources in human shock reactions.

This means that the client is helped to comprehend and experience the peak experience in the shock – the power that made him / her survive in the best way possible, whether through battle(fight) , escape (flight) or playing “dead” (freeze).

Training Dates:

Dec 4 – 8, 2019
Feb 12 – 16, 2020
Aug 19 – 23, 2020


  • Location: Rudramandir, 830 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
  • Cost: $875 USD per module for a a total of $2625 USD for the 15 day program
  • Registration: Please contact James Nicholas at or 1-310-892-0015